Thursday, December 15, 2011

Friend Are A Gift :)

I say that friend are a gift because without them you probally wouldnt know what to do. I wouldnt even know what to do to  tell you the truth. I am just so thankful that I have friend I only have one true friend I would do anything for her. Take time to think about your friend and be very thankful that you have them. Thank you for reading this. :) Friend are important......

The Friend I Need The Most

The friend I need the most are the friend that I believe that will truely be my friend. The friend that anyone need the most are the one that know your heart. I truely believe that if you consider being friendly then you will have more friend probally better friend then you have or have had before. Please believe me when I tell you this because I have a friend that I need the most and she does know my heart. I say in my very short word is you need to find out what friend you need the most. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Only Friend

My only friend would be someone that does things for me. I would say that my only friend would be special because that person know what you are feeling. The friend that you have know will do anything for you I truely believe that. I say not everyone has friend that know somewhat of how they feel when their around that person. I say in my last statement of words is find out today wether or not that person is really your friend.